On my birthday (in May) I was getting a pedicure and woman who was doing it told me she was a 'little bit psychic'. I smiled politely. What can you really say to that? She smiled back and said "You have one baby already. It's a girl. Yes?" I told her yes, she was right. Then she pointed to my belly, which was still pretty tiny at that point and said, "That one is a boy." Again I smiled politely and said something along the lines of "we'll see!"
I came home and told my mom and husband about my psychic pedicurist and we all had a good laugh about it. If she was right, cool! And if she wasn't, well, it was still a great story.
The belly at 20 weeks 6 days |
As soon as I found out I was pregnant I calculated when I'd be 20 weeks and when we'd find out the gender of baby #2. I realized it was right around Father's Day and immediately started planning the gender reveal party/Father's Day Bar-B-Que.
I found a baker who understood the whole gender reveal thing and agreed to make us a cake without ruining the surprised. I gave her carte blanche on the design of the cake.
On June 11th, Jon & I went for the anatomy scan and it was wonderful. We got to see our beautiful baby for over an hour. He/She was wiggling all around and the tech was able to get all of the pictures she needed. She talked us through the whole thing, pointing out arms and legs, and being careful to only say "baby". He/she is healthy and we were so thrilled. Then, at the end, she was quiet for a few minutes and I could tell she was looking for the "goods". I was looking too, but was totally unsure of what I was seeing. She saw what she needed, wrote down the gender and sealed it in an envelope for us.
I had that envelope in my possession for over 24 hours and I didn't peek! The next day I dropped it off to the baker, and patiently waited for June 16th.
Gia giving Daddy the gift she made him at preschool |
And then the day was here! We had a wonderful family bar-be-que celebrating all the dads. Throughout the day we asked everyone to vote: boy or girl.
The results were overwhelmingly boy 15 to 6! |
And at dessert time, we cut into a gorgeous cake, waiting to see if the filling inside was blue or pink! (The outside is blue like the sky (get it--Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...) but it's the inside that matters...)
We both had knives and we each made a cut, with Gia watching very closely...
I love this picture...
It's a BOY!!!!!!
Can you tell that I'm excited?! |
There were lots of cheers and excitement and kisses and hugs. It was an amazing moment and a priceless memory to have. Less than 24 hours later and it really hasn't sunk in for Jon and I though--we're going to have a son in a few short months! We're so used to dresses and hair bows and princesses and tea parties, and now we get to switch gears to trucks and trains and footballs. It's going to be an awesome ride!
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