In Janurary Gia (18 months) played in the snow for the first time

And then, we went to Jamaica for 5 days!
In March we went to Disney!
Gia was afraid of the characters but we snuck a picture with Pluto without her knowing!
And then we went to The Villages to visit my Aunt & Uncle
We took Gia to a spray park...
...which she wasn't very happy about
She also had her first pony ride!
Later in the month she took her first big fall.
And she went to her first kids' birthday party!
And the Easter bunny came to our house the day before Easter (because Daddy had to work on Easter)
Mommy made Easter bunny cupcakes and tried to dress Gia up like the bunny.
We also went to the Bronx Zoo with our good friends Don & Steph and their daughter Adrianna.
And, Mommy met Vinny from Jersey Shore.
In May Gia played with play-doh for the first time.
And we celebrated Mother's Day and my birthday.
In June we had our first trip to the ER.
Gia's elbow popped out of the socket (nursemaid's elbow). She was a trooper though!
Gia's elbow popped out of the socket (nursemaid's elbow). She was a trooper though!
We also went strawberry and blueberry picking.
We had our first beach day of the season.
And, we went to take a formal portrait with Yadi.
And, Gia wore her first nightgown AND developed a fear of bugs.
(In this picture she's looking for a spider on the ceiling in my mom's house. "Pa got the buggie down")
(In this picture she's looking for a spider on the ceiling in my mom's house. "Pa got the buggie down")
In July we went to the NJ State Fair and Gia rode another pony. She enjoyed this ride much more!
Gia also started swimming lessons. She loved her teacher Sarah.
And after a few weeks of rough nights, we switched Gia to a toddler bed. She LOVED it & went back to sleeping well.
Then we celebrated Gia's 2nd birthday with a Minnie Mouse party!
Scott, from Outragehisss Pets, came did an animal show, which Gia LOVED.

On her actual birthday we had more cupcakes & more singing
And she fell asleep wearing her beloved crocs, with her sunglasses not too far away.
On July 31st we closed on our new house!
Jon and Gia found her restaurant while we were there!
We had an awesome photo shoot at the Hereford Lighthouse in Anglesea.
And we got Gia a belated birthday present with some of her birthday gift cards.
In October Gia wrote all over her face with marker. She thought it was hilarious! (And it kinda was.)
We adopted "our new friend Abby".
We also continued our yearly tradition of apple picking.
The infamous portrait arrived...
(Yadi thinks we look like we're stuffed.)
Gia used her easel for the first time as Hurricane Sandy raged on outside.
Then we lost power and were taken in by my family, who had power!
At least Gia got to wear her raincoat during Sandy!
In November we finished our kitchen
and hosted Thanksgiving.
In December we went to see the tree in Rockefeller Center.
And we mastered potty training.
And we had a magical first Christmas in our new house
2012 was a wonderful year for our family. Here's to more love, happiness and health in 2013!
Happy New Year, dear readers!