28 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Do I even need to answer this one anymore? I'm huge!
Sleep: My lower back and pelvis kill me every single morning and it makes me waddle like a duck. I finally gave in and got a pregnancy pillow last week. Umm, what the heck was I waiting for? The morning after I first used it, I felt so much better. It's not magic and I'm still a bit uncomfortable but it has definitely helped a ton.
Feelings/Mood: Pretty stinkin' happy. Despite being a little uncomfortable, I'm feeling so blessed to be carrying this baby. He's healthy, I'm healthy: my little family is growing and I love it.
Symptoms/Health: Overall, I'm
doing good. Blood pressure is low (110/58 today at my 28 week appt), weight gain is normal, and baby boy
moves like crazy. He is transverse which is pretty uncomfortable at times.
I've been having some minor issues with spotting, but I had another ultrasound last week and everything looks good. It was great to see the baby again. He's so big now! He always cooperates and I got to see his cute little profile again. He was trying to grab his foot and I got to see a great shot of his tiny little hand.
Food Cravings/Aversions: And the tides have turned! All of a sudden I can't get enough baked goods. Cookies, cupcakes, candy...I want it all, all the time.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach, my non-pregnancy summer clothes, not getting winded after a short walk.
Movement: Still feeling tons! Baby boy is active all the time, and I love it. He's most active at night, and there are certainly days where he's less active. But really, I feel him all the time. It's awesome--makes me worry much less.
Belly: Low and totally out front! Similar to how I carried with Gia, but even more out front (if it's possible!)
Best Moment this week (pregnancy-related): 1. Ordered & received baby's new dresser!
2. Just scheduled my c-section! I'm so excited to have it officially scheduled. Baby boy will be joining us on October 22nd. I also discussed the possibility of a V-BAC (vaginal birth after c-section) with my doctor today & we have a plan. If I go into labor on my own before Oct 22, they'll let me labor a while to see how things progress. If nothing happens or if the baby is in distress, then we'll do the c-section. If I don't go into labor, then we're on for the 22nd at 8:30 am!
3. We finally started discussing names! More on that later.
What I look forward to: Putting the nursery together completely. Painting is done...now we just have to put together the crib and hang all the awesome stuff we've been collecting.
That'll have to wait till after our vacation though :)
And now, for the comparison shot: